Web Hosting Affiliate Programs

How to Make Money Using Web hosting Affiliate Programs?

If you are blogging for making money online through affiliate marketing, then I am sure you are amazed how top bloggers are making huge money by promoting different web hosting programs.

Affiliate marketing needs good knowledge about the product, experience of SEO & digital marketing and above all, patience.

If you are running a blog and planning to monetize it through affiliate marketing, then there are certain things which will determine whether you can start promoting web hosting affiliate programs or not, to generate passive income.

In this article, I will share my personal experience of working with these web hosting affiliate programs and is it worth trying them through blogging. I will also try to share few tips which may increase the potential of making more commission.

Who can Start Promoting Web Hosting Affiliate Programs?

The very first thing which matters in affiliate marketing is the audience of your website. You must know who are the audience of your website and what are they expecting.

In clear terms, your blogging niche needs to be any of the below ones to start promoting hosting affiliates.

Technology, WordPress, blogging, web hosting review, website design, WordPress theme, how to blog, blogging tips etc.

How Much can you Make by Joining Web Hosting Affiliates?

If you are looking for highest paying affiliate programs, then I am sure web hosting affiliate programs are the best among all. In general, on an average, you can make $50 / per sign up for a majority of the web hosting providers.

But if you promote any of the popular web hosting affiliate programs like Bluehost, Hostgator, you can earn more than $120/ per sign up.

In fact for a premium affiliate who can achieve a target number of sale per month, they might offer more commissions. Besides that, there is WPEngine who provides $200/ per sign up and right now very popular managed hosting provider.

Why Web Hosting Companies pay such High Commissions, when the Hosting Plans may Cost Less?

Generally, people buy web hosting services after reading many reviews & reading other people’s experiences. And it is not that much easy to switch hosting every now & then as it requires good knowledge and handsome money to spend.

And there is a risk of the website going down and losing of data, if not done in a professional way.

So, when someone buys a hosting plan with any of the top hosting providers, they know it very well that the customer is going to be with them for quite a long period. If things go well, till the website live.

Other than that, to keep a website secure and functional, sometimes you need to buy many other services or tools from these hosting providers like privacy protect, site-lock, backup etc. which are added on expenditure on your hosting bill. On top of all, all these expenditures are recurring annually.

That means, even if a hosting provider like WPEngine pays you $200 commission for a sale, they know very well that they can recover more from the client in coming days by providing good & quality services.

But the commissions they are paying to affiliate marketers are one time only.

I hope I am able to explain the concept behind this common question, why web hosting affiliates pay high commission to bloggers.

What are the Best Web Hosting Affiliate Programs with High Commissions?

The web hosting business is growing like anything due to the high demand of websites & increasing popularity of blogging as a full-time career. This is obvious as the internet is the next big thing.

Anyway, in that case, you may end up joining with hundreds of hosting affiliate programs, but making money from all of them may not be that easy.

If you have a coupon website where you share web hosting discounts & coupons, then you can join as many as you want as your target audience will be those who are looking for specific coupons of a hosting company.

But in the case of hosting, people generally follow what others are using by reading many reviews. That means reputation matters a lot.

So, you should concentrate on few good web hosting providers and then promote their affiliate programs. They also provide a very good & high commission structure. Here are few of the best web hosting affiliate programs with the commission rate per sale.

  • WPEngine Affiliate Program – Commission $200/ Sale
  • Bluehost Affiliate Program – Default commission $65 / sale
  • Hostgator Affiliate Program – Commission $50/Sale
  • Siteground Affiliate Program – up to $125 / sale
  • ASmallOrange Affiliate Program – $50 per sale
Tips to Join Affiliates & Promote Them through Content Marketing.

So, you have a website where people are interested to know about how to start a blog or what is self-hosted WordPress blogging or how to find the best web hosting provider.

Then you should start promoting web hosting affiliate programs to your readers. But before doing that, here are few tips which will help you make a plan to proceed further.

  • It is always good to host your own website and start recommending the same. Trust is the main factor when you are doing affiliate marketing and this is the best way. First use the product and then start writing useful reviews in your blog.
  • I think you have noticed almost in every website there is a start a blog page where they explain the process with step by step guide and pictures. Similarly, you can also create a static page about how to start a blog and then recommend the web hosting providers.
  • If you want to share coupon codes & discounts of all web hosting providers, then it is better to start a coupon website in web hosting niche and then collect the coupons/ offers shared by all web hosting companies regularly.
  • You can also target special holiday sale & promotions like Black Friday & Cyber Monday sale when almost every hosting companies offer a great discount. Just spend few minutes in Google and you will discover that there are many micro niche websites are operating to specially target black Friday web hosting deals.
  • The last point which is very important and pathetic as well. Make sure you read every web hosting affiliates terms & conditions carefully before promoting them through content marketing. I have been banned by few top affiliates stating violating their terms which were not justified properly even after asking many times. In fact, I have read about Jitendra Vaswani’s experience with WPEngine, which is an eye opener.

Are you planning to launch your next blog to promote web hosting affiliates and generate affiliate income? Then remember that this is one of the toughest blogging niches as every pro-blogger is well aware of this and they are already working hard on this niche.

But if you have a better plan and better offering through your blog, then you can definitely win the game in the long run. Please share your journey here by writing a simple comment below, in case you have tasted any success in web hosting affiliates.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Santanu and Ravi,

    Interesting post on starting with web hosting affiliates.

    You mention some good web hosts here in WP Engine, SiteGround and BlueHost. I have used all of these in the past for hosting services as well as for affiliate sources.

    I think in order to make money with these these hosting providers you have to first have good traffic to your blog, but I guess this is true with most affiliate programs. I think it is also important that you have used these hosts yourself, and liked them, in order to recommend them to other people.

    I am a big fan of managed hosting and I believe SiteGround is one the best for this. Of course this will cost you a little more, but I think it is worth it.

    When your ready to go to the next level with your blog, I think a VPS may be in order, and I really like Liquid Web for this. You will see a increase in speed and security, which will also help you with SEO.

    Thanks Santanu for this helpful article about affiliate hosting and also your Ravi for having him guest post on your blog.

    I hope you guys have a great week!


    1. Hi Rob,

      You are absolutely right. The first is to host your own website and then start affiliating. The most important thing is to get some traffic and then start affiliate marketing.

      It’s of no use to put all the affiliate links everywhere with no traffic.

      There are many factors including the SEO matter. I have tried VPS hosting once and it was pretty great.

      Siteground is one of the best web hosting providers in the market. I love their customer service.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Glad to see Santanu on your page.

    I could very well relate to many of the areas he mentioned in.

    It is very necessary to have good traffic before jump into the Affiliate business.

    And the bloggers need to be more careful while dealing especially with some of the so called top hosters. They they have name and fame in the industry they some times play very dirty trick to extort money from the gulliable bloggers. I am a victim to that effect, my recent experiences with some hosters are very pathetic and the trick they applied is unbelievable to any blogger. A post in this regard is on the anvil, and it will be published soon.

    Thanks Santu for this informative post.

    Keep writing

    May you both have a great time ahead


    ~ philip

    1. Hey Philip,

      There are many options for you to while choosing the web host. But the thing is that you should recommend the product you have used.

      Your readers want to have the best service and a few people just to the affiliate marketing without even getting the traffic.

      Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy your day.


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